Advent Week 4: A Week of Love

Advent Week 4: A Week of Love

The fourth candle on an Advent wreath, usually purple, is often called the candle of love. Christmas happened because of God’s great love for all people.

As your family gathers to open Christmas gifts, talk about why we give nice things to people we love. Ask: What are some of the most memorable gifts you’ve received? How can you tell when much love and thought go into a gift?
Read aloud John 3:16. Say: At Christmas, God gave us the best gift ever. He sent his Son, Jesus, to live, die, and rise again so we could live with him forever in heaven. Although this gift required great sacrifice, God knew we needed Jesus.
Light all four candles on your Advent wreath. (If you have a fifth candle, usually white, light it on Christmas Day, as the Christ candle.) Close in prayer, thanking our loving God for sending Jesus as our best Christmas gift.