Sundays at 10:30 am
Join us each Sunday at 10:30am for worship through prayer, singing, ministry updates, children’s lessons, and Biblical preaching on in our Chapel on West Park Rd or via Facebook Live.
What to Expect
We all can feel a little nervous visiting a new church. Maybe you’ve been a part of a church your whole life or maybe you’ve never been to a single worship service. Eather way, we want you to feel welcome at Living Faith. You may have questions about what to expect. Some things you might like to know about us…
What type of church is Living Faith?
Living Faith is a welcoming community of faith and action. We have come from many different backgrounds (no church affiliation, Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc.). We are united in our desire to worship Jesus Christ, care for one another, and serve our community.
Living Faith is a partner congregation of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches who share a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice.

When are worship services?
We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:30am. Each service lasts 60-75 minutes. Try to arrive about 15 minuets early so that you can enjoy some coffee and, if you have young children, you will have plenty of time to check them into the nursery.
What should I wear?
We welcome you just as you are. You will see a variety in the way people are dressed. Some wear their “Sunday best” while others are dressed in more casual, comfortable clothes.
How do I get there?
Since 2017 Living Faith has met for worship at our own building at 951 West Park Road in Elizabethtown.

What happens when I arrive?
We have plenty of parking in front of our building, right in front of the main doors. As you come in the front door you will be warmly greeted & offered printed program. Bible study groups begin at 9:30am and worship begins at 10:30am. We have hot coffee and snack for you to enjoy while you wait. The greeters are there to help and are happy to show you where the nursery, classrooms, restrooms, refreshments, and worship space are. When you are seated in the worship space enjoy the music, read about upcoming events, and complete as much information as you feel comfortable sharing on the Connection Card in your program (which we’ll collect toward the end of the service).

What is the worship service like?
Living Faith combines elements of both traditional and contemporary worship for a service that is heartfelt and meaningful. Worship Services begin at 10:30am and last for between 60 and 75 minuets. During our worship you will have time to sing, to pray, and to learn about the Christian Scriptures. We’ll have the words to each song up on the screen, so you can sing as much as you feel comfortable.
We have time early in our service when we extend peace and blessing to each other. The people around you will likely shake your hand and welcome you. We do not single out our guests and you won’t be pointed out or be made to feel uncomfortable.
Each worship service includes a message or sermon. The pastor or another speaker will take about 20 to talk about a passage from the Bible and apply it to our live in real and practical ways. Sermons may be challenging but will never be mean or hatful.
About once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month, Living Faith observes the Lord’s Supper or Communion. This is the Lord’s supper, and the church welcomes all who personally profess faith in Jesus Christ to participate, regardless of church membership. You can read more about the Lord’s Supper here.
At the end of each service, we close with one verse of “Blessed be the Tie,” a tradition going back to when our church first started and wase meeting in homes.

What about my kids?
Quality childcare is provided for babies and preschool-aged children during worship at 10:30am. All children are welcome during worship. Our children’s worship program, known as Worship and Wonder, is offered for pre-school and early elementary children. Those children begin worship in the chapel with their family and will be invited to Worship and Wonder before the beginning of the sermon. You can read more about Worship and Wonder here. Living Faith values families being together during worship and there are “busy bags” with activities available for children to enjoy during worship. Bible study groups at 9:30am are available for all ages.

On-Line and In-Person?
For some, the question of whether it is better to worship online or in person does not have any easy answer. Both have their own distinct advantages. For many people, worshiping in person is the more meaningful option. There is something special about being in the same space as other worshippers and sharing in the experience together. There is also a sense of closeness and community that comes from being able to see and interact with other worshipers in person. However, worshiping online can also be a very welcome option, especially for those who are unable to attend services in person. Additionally, it can be a great way to connect with other worshippers from around the world. Whether you choose to worship online or in person, the most important thing is that you find a way to connect with your faith that is meaningful for you. In either case, you are welcome at Living Faith.
COVID-19 Guidelines
Following the most recent recommendations of the CDC, Living Faith recommends the following guidelines: Vaccinated individuals are now safe to attend both inside and outside gatherings/services without masks.
All non-vaccinated individuals are encouraged to wear masks while in the church building. Our policy is that all nursery and children’s workers at Living Faith are fully vaccinated.
Any other questions?
Was there something we forgot? Feel free to email Pastor Roger Jasper at Pastor@LivingFaithBaptistFellowship.com if you need any more information. We hope to see you soon!