Prologue (1:1-18)
- The Word’s existence before creation
- The Word becoming flesh
- The Light shining in the darkness
The Book of Signs (1:19-12:50)
- John the Baptist’s testimony (1:19-34)
- The calling of the first disciples (1:35-51)
- The wedding at Cana: Jesus’ first sign (2:1-12)
- Jesus cleansing the temple (2:13-25)
- Nicodemus and being born again (3:1-21)
- John the Baptist’s final testimony (3:22-36)
- The Samaritan woman at the well (4:1-42)
- Healing of the royal official’s son (4:43-54)
- Healing at the pool of Bethesda (5:1-15)
- Jesus’ discourse on his authority (5:16-47)
- Feeding of the 5,000 (6:1-15)
- Jesus walking on water (6:16-24)
- Discourse on the Bread of Life (6:25-71)
- Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (7:1-52)
- The woman caught in adultery (8:1-11)
- Discourse on the Light of the World (8:12-59)
- Healing of the man born blind (9:1-41)
- Discourse on the Good Shepherd (10:1-21)
- Jesus at the Feast of Dedication (10:22-42)
- The raising of Lazarus (11:1-44)
- The plot to kill Jesus (11:45-57)
- Jesus anointed at Bethany (12:1-11)
- The triumphal entry into Jerusalem (12:12-19)
- Jesus predicts his death (12:20-36)
- Summary of belief and unbelief (12:37-50)
The Book of Glory (13:1-20:31)
- Jesus washes the disciples’ feet (13:1-20)
- Jesus predicts his betrayal and Peter’s denial (13:21-38)
- Jesus’ farewell discourses (14:1-16:33)
- Jesus’ prayer for his disciples (17:1-26)
- Jesus’ arrest and trials (18:1-19:16)
- The crucifixion and burial (19:17-42)
- The resurrection (20:1-29)
- Purpose of the Gospel (20:30-31)
Epilogue (21:1-25)
- Jesus appears to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee
- Jesus reinstates Peter