Everyone serving in kids’ ministry at Living Faith are required to have a criminal background check and COVID-19 vaccination.
Nursery Worker
The purpose of this position is to provide safe, nurturing childcare for babies, toddlers, and younger preschoolers during worship service so that parents and guardians can worship without distraction and young children’s first experiences in our church are loving and positive.
Worship and Wonder Doorperson
Based on the religious education ideas of Maria Montessori, Children Worship and Wonder acknowledges that children already have a relationship with God and that they are comfortable living in questions. Within a sacred space created just for them, children have the opportunity to hear Bible stories and form responses based on their own life experiences. At the same time, they learn religious language, church traditions, and how to participate in worship. The Worship and Wonder Doorperson greets the children as they enter the Children’s Chapel and assists the Storyteller in providing a worship space that allows children to worship in a way that is meaningful to them.
Kids’ Events Worker
Our Kids’ programing will have to be flexible through the fall of 2021. As such, instead of regularly scheduled events we will be announcing individual fun and educational opportunities for children closer to time. Sign up as Kids’ Events Worker if you would like to be contacted to help with events that may be planned at a later date.