The Hospitality Team members make sure that everyone present on Sunday feels welcome and valued. Sunday Hosts make coffee ahead of guests arriving, greet people before the service, help people find seats, work at the Connection Table, collect the offering, and serve communion. After Sunday, the Guest Follow-up Team correspond with guests to help them make the next step in being a part of Living Faith.
Sunday Moring Host
The purpose of this position is to provide the ministry of hospitality to both guests and members. Our ministry of hospitality demonstrates the value we place on each person that joins us for worship on Sunday and bears witness of the Goodnews of God’s love that we have come to know in Jesus Christ.
Sunday morning hosts are often one of the first people someone new to Living Faith will meet. It is important then to come with a positive attitude and provide a smile and warm welcome to all those who arrive for worship. Welcome Center Hosts should arrive at 9:00 am and typically stay at the Connection Table until 10:45 (15 minutes after worship begins) to greet latecomers and make guests feel welcome.
Guest Follow-Up Team
The purpose of this position is to provide the ministry of hospitality to first- and second-time guests of Living Faith. Our ministry of hospitality demonstrates the value we place on each person that joins us for worship on Sunday and bears witness of the Goodnews of God’s love that we have come to know in Jesus Christ.
Guest follow-up team members will help guests for feel valued by sending a handwritten card to first time guest and typed letter to second time guests each Monday.
They may also keep the pastor informed of guest follow-up efforts and may be asked to help process other connection card communications.