We are so glad that you are interested in learning more about uniting with Living Faith in membership. Membership in Living Faith Baptist Fellowship is based on a covenant or a pledge that we make to one another to care for one another and to serve alongside one another in caring for our community. Members have full rights of participation in the decisions of the church and are expected to exercise that participation by presence, voice, and vote. Members are expected to take seriously the church’s covenant of mutual support and encouragement and to do all possible to make that pledge a reality. All members shall be eligible for consideration by the membership for elective positions of leadership in the church.

Eligibility for Membership
Any person regardless of social, economic, or racial background may request membership in Living Faith Baptist Fellowship by any of the following ways:
- By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and requesting believer’s baptism by immersion as administered by this church.
- By request for transfer of membership from another Baptist church.
- By statement of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and statement of having been baptized as a believer by another Christian church or requesting baptism by this church.
- In absentia, when persons desiring to unite with this church according to numbers 2 or 3 cannot for valid reasons present themselves for membership, they may be presented by a family member or close friend who knows the circumstances.
Admission to Membership
As an autonomous Baptist church, the membership of this church retains the sole right under the Lordship of Christ to determine who may be a member of the church and the conditions of such membership. Each request for membership shall be presented to the church in administrative session after the person has been baptized, letter received, or statement of testimony heard. Should there be any question regarding the acceptance of a person as a member, the church will refer the matter to the pastoral care team for investigation and subsequent recommendation to the church. Admission to membership shall be by an affirmative vote of at least ¾ of the members present and voting.