March 6th will be the first Sunday in Lent. Every year Lent serves as a time to
prepare to celebrate the mystery of Easter. In Worship and Wonder the children
will Journey with Jesus to Jerusalem for the Passover. Along the way they will
meet those that encounter Jesus along the road.
Lenten stories: March 6th -April 10th
- What is Lent?
- Jesus and the Children
- Jesus and Bartimaeus
- Jesus and Zacchaeus
- Jesus the King
- Jesus’ Last Passover

April 17th is Easter Sunday and the following six Sundays are the Easter Season
leading to Pentecost. This is the most special time of the church year. We
celebrate the mystery that Jesus died, but God made him alive again. During this
special season, the children in Worship and Wonder will hear about how Jesus
appeared after he returned to life and what this new life means for all of us.
Easter through Pentecost: April 17th – June 5th
- Jesus is Risen: Appearance to Mary Magdalene
- Jesus is Risen: The Road to Emmaus
- Jesus Appears to Thomas
- Jesus Commissions the Disciples
- The Good Shepherd and the Wolf
- The Good Shepherd and the Lord’s Supper
- Ascension
- Pentecost: God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit
Coming up this summer!
During our “Adventures by the Sea” Art Camp on June 5th, 6th, and 7th, Living
Faith Kids will experience, along with the disciples, amazing events that
happened by the Sea of Galilee. We will explore what it means to follow Jesus
as we listen to Worship and Wonder stories about Jesus and the disciples, create
Art, and have lots of fun together! On Wednesday evening, June 8th, our entire
church family will gather at Freeman Lake for a churchwide potluck to celebrate
together what we have learned about following Jesus and encourage each other
to be lifelong Christ followers.
On the Sundays in June after Art Camp, our Worship and Wonder stories during
morning worship will explore what it means to follow Jesus in the waters of
On Sunday mornings during the month of July, we will spend time thinking about
the Kingdom of God by listening to some of the Parables of Jesus during
Worship and Wonder. We will wonder together about what Jesus teaches us in
parables like The Mustard Seed, The Leaven, The Great Pearl, and The Sower.
In August, we will be challenged by stories of the early followers of Jesus
including Peter, Philip, Dorcas, and John, who showed the way of the Kingdom of
God in Jerusalem, Judea. Samaria, and the world.
Looking ahead to fall
In September we begin a new Worship and Wonder year as we think together
about what it means to talk and listen to God. Throughout the fall months, we will
return to the Old Testament and explore the great ancient stories of our faith,
including the stories of the Creation, Noah, Abram and Sarai, the Exodus, The
Ten Best Ways to Live, The Ark and a Tent for God, The Promised Land, The
Temple, a House for God, and Exile and Return.
And then when Advent comes again, we will follow the lead of the Prophets,
Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Magi as we make our way to
Bethlehem to once again meet the Christ Child.