Highlights of Our History
- June, 2004 – small group of people began gathering on Sunday evenings for fellowship, prayer, and Bible Study.
- November 7, 2004 – the first service was held at Morgan’s Decorating with 98 attending worship. Selected the name Living Faith Baptist Fellowship.
- January 23, 2005 – covenant was signed and church was constituted with 91 members.
- Moved to the old Nolin RECC building on south Dixie.
- May 1, 2005 – constitution was adopted.
- July 10, 2005 – by-Laws were adopted.
- October 15, 2006 – called Reverend Mark Judd as first full-time pastor.
- December, 2008 – purchased 8-acre tract of land at West Park Road and Charlemagne Boulevard.
- July, 2010 – called Roger Jasper as second pastor.
- December 20, 2015 – church authorized Building Committee to begin preparing site at West Park Road and Charlemagne Drive for building.
- April 2, 2017 – first Sunday of worship in our new building.
- October, 2018 – launched Faithrenewed revival to “encourage personal faith in Jesus Christ by committing to the practices of prayer, worship, study, giving, faith sharing, and serving.”
- February, 2019 – rewrote by-laws and streamlined ministry structure to be more effective.
Interested in learning more? Here is a fuller history:
In June of 2004, a small group of individuals begin meeting on Sunday evenings in private homes. By October this small group has grown to about 50 people who begin to discern God’s direction for this group. The next month a loading dock at a local carpet store was transformed with sheets and folding chairs in to a place of worship. It would be fondly called the “Carpet Tabernacle”. When the “Carpet Tabernacle” could no longer be used, a move was made to the old electric coop building. The “Carpet Tabernacle” became the “House of Power”.
On January 23, 2005, 93 souls gathered to officially constitute Living Faith Baptist Fellowship. A Church Covenant was signed as all joined in a covenant relationship with each other and with God. For the first year Living Faith relied on “Preachers of the Month” These included Rick Landen, Dwight Moody, Karen Thomas Smith, Greg Earwood, John Lepper, Bill Turner, Dalen Jackson, Joel Gregory, Jim England, and Bill Marshall. In January of 2006, we called one of our own, David Brandon, to become our interim Pastor. He served until October of 2006, providing leadership and stability to the new work.
In October of 2006, Mark Judd was called as our first full time Pastor and we moved to our first permanent building. Earlier that year, Living Faith had purchased a building and land on Corporate Drive in Elizabethtown formally used as an indoor golf simulator. June of 2008 saw the last payment on that first building. In December of that same year, 8 acres on West Park Road was purchased for a new construction.
LFBF hosted two mission activities in April, 2009: 1) a potluck meal with the Burundian family from Kentucky Refugee Ministries, whom we had been helping, and 2) the KBF Cluster work day with First Baptist Church, Shepherdsville.
Pastor Mark Judd resigned effective May 31st, 2009, and Bob DeFoor was called as interim. Daniel Vestal led a “Becoming the Presence of Christ” study November 7th and 8th.
On the first Sunday of July, 2010, LFBF welcomed as our new pastor Brother Roger Jasper, a student at BSK. On Labor Day of 2010, we hosted a picnic for Voices United, a choir from EEAM and KBF churches.
In July, 2011, LFBF approved establishing a prayer garden at the west end of our property on Charlemagne Boulevard. Also in 2011, LFBF established a partnership with a 2nd grade classroom at Owsley County Elementary School.
On April 22, 2012, we formally dedicated our new church property. March 10, 2013, we launched a Faith Forward Campaign, led by Barry Birdwhistell, with a goal of $400,000 in pledges. We also hired a Worship Minister, Saulo DeAlmeida. On June 9th we voted to list our property on Corporate Drive for sale, and on September 23rd, we began meeting in part of the Elizabethtown Christian Academy (former Severns Valley building).
On April 26, 2013, Bo Prosser, from CBF, met with some of our members regarding a process of discerning our future called Dawnings. Several members participated.
In April,2014, LFBF became an Encourager Church (through CBF) for Field Personnel Scarlette Jasper, in Eastern Kentucky. On September 28th, we held Sunday morning worship on the new property. The first week of December we began delivering shoe boxes to Eastern Kentucky instead of through Operation Christmas Child. Scarlette Jasper will work with us in distributing boxes to children.
In February, 2015, Living Faith ended its partnership with Stepworks due to a change in management, style, and schedule. On January 18th, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, followed by a dinner meeting in March. Saulo DeAlmeida resigned as worship minister. In November, we accepted an offer on the Corporate Drive property and began making plans for building a new church building.
In April, 2016, the church approved hiring Harris Construction to be the general contractor for our building project and that the cost of the project not exceed $850,000. As we had been unable to find a suitable candidate for minister to youth/families, LFBF member Mike Johnson volunteered to serve as lay minister to youth.
At the end of March, 2017, we moved into our new building at 951 W. Park Road. It is God’s house; it is our home. We look forward to future experiences of worship, study, fellowship, and sharing in our new church.
In the fall of 2017 we began having fellowship meals and Congregational meetings quarterly. In December we ordained Rebecca Brown as a chaplain. We set our goal for our Offering for Global Missions at $4,000, and we surpassed our goal.
During the year we lost 3 members and gained 18. Our net worth at the end of the year was $876,136.
In 2018 we began Worship and Wonder, a worship experience for children using hands-on activities. Later in the year we ordained Jessica Jasper as a chaplain. In October we launched a Faith renewed revival to “encourage personal faith in Jesus Christ by committing as a congregation to the practices of prayer, worship, study, giving, faith sharing, and serving.” During the year we gained 7 new members and lost none. Our net worth at the end of 2018 was $893,486.
In February, 2019, we sold the 3.7-acre tract of land back to the lienholders. We then began applying the amount of that monthly interest payment on the principal of our mortgage. In order to bring our organization and by-laws in line with who we are as a church after14 years, we a) rewrote the by-laws and b) streamlined our ministry structure to be more efficient. In May the pastor and his family visited our sister church in Fez, Morocco, to show our support for them as they faced a difficult situation. During the year we gained 9 new members and lost 2. Our net worth at the end of 2019 was $929,077.